English Practice Day2

  1. Words
  2. Writing
  3. Speaking


  • Dialectics: 辩证法 (Materialist Dialectics: 唯物辩证法)
  • Meteorite: 陨石
  • impact crater: 陨石坑
  • megaton: 百万吨级
  • Blast: 爆炸产生的气浪
  • Ejecta: 废物, 渣
  • Debris: 残骸
  • geological: 地质学的
  • Sediment: 沉淀物
  • Deposite: 沉淀
  • Asteroid: 小行星/星状的
  • Comet: 彗星
  • Glassy: 呆滞的/光滑的
  • slosh: 溅出
  • stratosphere: 平流层
  • rodent: 啮齿动物
  • Burrow: 洞穴
  • B.C.E: Before Common Era, 耶稣诞生之前, 公元前
  • Provision: 供给
  • Divorce: 分离/离婚
  • crossbar: 横梁
  • tank: (尤指故意)输掉(比赛); 倒闭; 破产; 彻底失败;
  • Mantissa: 浮点数的数值部分
  • Alphanumeric: 数字和字母并用的
  • Obviate: 消除
  • syllable: 音节
  • Delve: 深入 (delve into)
  • laboriously: 费力地/辛苦地


  • stunning conclusion: 令人震惊的结论
  • generate some controversy: 引起质疑
  • …Coincided with…: …和…同时发生
  • subsequent to: 在…之后
  • 表示促进, facilitate/facilitation

    • A second major objective was facilitation of changes both in programs and system configurations.
  • ease of..: 表示..情况的缓解, 例如ease of reprogramming when changes are made in a system configuration.

  • design criteria: 设计标准, 可以用来代替objective.
  • The following principles are established and adopted
  • The B5000 system achieves its unique physical and operational modularity through the use of …, modularity是模块化.
  • …是可行的, 可以用: It is feasible to…
  • prohibitive: 代价高昂, 令人难以承受
  • expenditure: 代价/花费, 代替cost


  • Things didn’t go as plans.
  • It’ only a matter of time.
  • Not a chance: 不可能
  • Hi, Glad to see you (打招呼)
  • You must be kidding me. (惊)
  • general knowledge: 常识
  • You’re such a …
  • That’ s kind of neat: 不错
  • We’re getting sidetracked.: 我们偏离话题了
  • Get very much out of …: 从…获益甚多
  • do something beforehand: 事前做某事
  • common practice: 习惯做法